Pony Palace Loans
The pony palace loan is a step towards owning a pony but without the commitment. The loan will include 3 days a week riding, this does not include any members of pony palace staff to supervise so a responsible adult will have to be with the child and pony at all times.
It will be your responsibility to get the pony out of the field, groom, tack up, ride, feed and put the pony back after the ride. During weekends pony palace staff will be on hand if there is any problems.
An initial session at the start of the loan will show you how to do everything and where everything is kept. Please note a contract will be signed and 1 month’s notice is needed to terminate the agreement.
We offer 1 day a week loan for £70 per month.
We also offer 2 day a week loans for £100 per month.
PLEASE NOTE: At the moment we are unable to offer any loans.